donderdag 3 januari 2013

Support us on the Kickstarter

Thanks everybody for your nice reactions on Mine Kafon project. We are following them with a great interest.

Now we just launched our Kickstarter to Make our dreams come true on Mine Kafon project. Please visit this link and spread the word. So lets get it rolling.

Thanks a lot for your collaboration and a have a nice christmas :)

5 opmerkingen:

  1. When I saw this I was exactly gonna suggest you go to Kickstarter to fund it. Glad It's already there. +1 backer for you :-)

  2. Any updates? Is there a plan for production and use by the people of Kabul to systematically sweep land? Is there a way to contribute to that?

  3. Great blog! 👏 Beautifully presented and loved the content. 💖 Excited to support "Mine Kafon" on Kickstarter! 🚀

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  4. Great blog! 👏 Beautifully written on "Mine Kafon: Support us on Kickstarter." Loved it! 💙

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